Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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Health & Wellbeing

Colorado Health Study Finds Major Risks from Fracking

An eagerly awaited health study regarding the safety of fracking has been released. The study, conducted by consulting firm ICF International, found that oil a gas drilling caused health risks at distances greater than the currently established “setback” distance of 500 feet from single family homes and 11oo feet from high occupancy buildings. The study […]

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5 Facts About the Flu Shot Before Flu Season

There’s a whole host of misinformation regarding the flu shot, and with this season set to be a particularly nasty year, it’s important to dispel any myths. 1. The flu season generally runs from late October to May. You will need a new flu shot for every flu season as the virus changes between seasons […]

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Five Facts About Meat 2.0

Since 2016, Meat 2.0 has become the trending food topic. Beyond Meat and Impossible Food are the two major plant-based meat companies now serving consumers at restaurants from A&W to White Castle, as well as in grocery stores. The rise in popularity is based on consumer’s desire to cut down on meat consumption. According to […]

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Five Facts About Low Testosterone

I’m going to talk about a subject may be uncomfortable for some… low testosterone. Testosterone is a sex hormone that belongs to a class of male hormones called androgens.  The National Institutes of Health regards testosterone as the most important male hormone, but women also produce testosterone at lower levels. For men, testosterone is produced […]

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Three Important Drugs in the News

Science has given us so many tools to make our lives better and healthier.  Information about how we address health issues now and how we can address them better in the future is all over the news right now.  Here are three important news stories that are influencing the conversation about major health issues. New […]

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3 Health Tips for Going Back to School

It’s almost here again…back to school. Getting your kids back in the school year groove doesn’t have to be stressful as long as you plan ahead for classes, sports, and getting up early. Here are some tips to make your back to school strategy operate smoothly. Get back on your school year sleep schedule. Pediatricians […]

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3 Reasons to Get Vaccinated

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an annual observance to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. Many Americans have embraced the myth that vaccines cause a number of conditions, including autism. This fear originated with a 1997 study published by Andrew Wakefield, a British surgeon. Published in The Lancet, a prestigious […]

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Vitamin D–A Supplement That Works!

Nearly 114 million Americans—roughly half the adult population—take at least one nutritional supplement. Scientific investigations conducted have failed to confirm that supplements, particularly multi-vitamins, work. So, if multi-vitamins are not effective, are there any supplements that are effective? The answer is yes! About 70% of Americans don’t get enough vitamin D. Typically, we get vitamin […]

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