Wednesday - October 23rd, 2024

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Monday Motivation: Trick or Treat Motivation

Hi Everyone, Happy Monday!  This coming Wednesday is one of the best opportunities of the year to witness some of the highest levels of motivation and determination. The goal?  CANDY! I am a firm believer that there is so much we can learn from children and by adopting a childlike mindset.   For this week’s motivation […]

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Weeding Our Garden

All living things share a litany of commonalities. We’re comprised of carbon, we need nutrition in some way, shape or form, we benefit and get energy from sunlight, we need hydration, and the list goes on. When a child looks at a group of adults, they typically see no differences. For them, it’s a collection […]

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Other People’s Words

In our interconnected world, it’s pretty much a given we will have a multitude of interactions with others each and every day. We have co-workers, teammates, spouses, friends, family, and the list goes on. We communicate with a host of people directly and indirectly, through social media, etc., every day. Throughout these sometime brief or […]

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Life is full of limits. Perceived or real, we find them everywhere we look. Society places a significant amount of them on us and if those aren’t restrictive enough, we place even more on ourselves. Have you ever told yourself you’re too old, too slow, not smart enough, or you don’t have the time? These […]

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Mindful Monday_Being Present

Being Present

The only way to do something, is to actually do it. Hitting a golf ball requires us to swing a golf club, just as riding a bike, requires us to ride a bike, just as giving a speech requires us to stand up and speak. On the surface, this appears quite obvious, but performing anything […]

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Mindful Monday_The Critic

The Critic

Each of us has dreams, desires, and ambitions. There are races we want to enter, promotions we want to apply for, fitness classes we would like to take, languages we wish to learn, businesses we want to start, and the list goes on. We make plans to get there and oftentimes can even see ourselves […]

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Each one of us is fully capable of accomplishing anything, and more importantly, everything we put our mind to. We have desires, dreams, and ambitions for our time here. Accomplishing them is no easy task, but we are aptly suited for our challenge. We truly have limitless potential residing inside. It’s lying dormant, desperately waiting […]

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